Just a 34 year old software developer with a passion for making computers work for me. Latently I’m finding myself playing with .NET Core and Blazer/Razor pages, but that could change.

Some other things you may be familiar with:

  • Operating System
    • Microsoft Windows (Server, Datacenter and Core)
    • Ubuntu 16.04, 18.04 and 20.04
  • Database
    • SQL Server
    • MySQL
    • MongoDB, CosmoDS and NoSQL in general
    • Apache SOLR
  • Server
    • IIS
    • Apache
    • nginx
  • Technology
    • Batch, PowerShell/pwsh and bash
    • JavaScript, NodeJS, TypeScript and CoffeeScript
    • C#, ASP.NET WebForms/MVC, Razor pages and Blazor
    • ReactJS, Angular, KnockoutJS, jQuery
    • Pascal, Delphi, BASIC and Visual Basic
    • WCF, Rest, GraphQL
  • Source Control
    • Subversion (SVN)
    • Team Foundation Server (TFS)
    • Git and GitHub
  • Cloud
    • Microsoft Azure
    • Amazon Web Services
    • Heroku and AppVeyor
  • Misc
    • SolidWorks API work
    • Sage ACT! and Salesforce Apex
    • Exact JobBOSS
    • Cisco CCNA

These are the ones I’ve touched the most. Not claiming guru status on any of them, but have done enough to not hesitate to work with them again. (It’s also important to have a wide variety of skills and exposure enough to know when each technology is best leveraged).